The Art of Thriving in a Dynamic World
Emotional agility, deliberate resourcefulness, skillful decision-making, and the ability to influence, are all important foundations for effectiveness. Yet these crucial skills are often only taught superficially …or not at all. My deep experience with and within organizations has revealed this and other educational blind spots in professional development.
My executive coaching and leadership training has spanned individuals and organizations in the corporate, entrepreneurial, not-for-profit, business association, and educational institution space. The tools and concepts I employ have been developed for the specific needs of the high-performing professional, and continue to be honed through direct feedback from those who are actively pursuing greatness in the field.

I am an Integrator of Disciplines
I draw from a curated and fine-tuned set of methodologies that incorporate powerful insights from a wide range of domains. I bring forward both obvious and counterintuitive sources of building mental fitness, creativity, and interpersonal mastery.
I do so through the lens of what is practical for the unique pressures of the business world.
As Clayton M. Christensen wrote in The Innovator’s Dilemma, disruptive innovations “involve no new technologies; rather they consist of components built around proven technologies that are put together in novel architectures, offering the consumer a set of attributes never before available.”
To see a list of some of the proven sources I draw inspiration from, visit -> this page

Coaching Certifications and Training
I am certified by the Co-Active Training Institute, considered the gold standard of executive coach training. CTI has trained leaders from more than a third of the Fortune 100.
I am also PCC-certified by the International Coaching Federation, the leading global organization dedicated to advancing the profession by setting and upholding the highest standards of competency and ethics.
My group and team coaching training is based on the ORSC™ model, through CRR Global.
Details -> here

The Artist’s Mindset
One of my street photography creations
When I was a young, people around me told me I had artistic talent. I was always drawn to creating art but did not pursue it as a profession because I thought there was no money in it.
Fast forward: As I progressed in my corporate career, I came to realize that the world of art had much to offer the world of business. I reconnected with my love of artistic creation through learning a wide variety of arts, from street photography to acting. I learned to appreciate how the artist’s mindset can transform the business professional’s effectiveness and engagement, and started to implement those insights practices.
The value of adapting wisdom and methods from domains outside of the business world into the business world cannot be understated. Among the many lessons, I have found that there is gold in understanding how an actor works with emotions, how a magician attains mastery, how mindfulness teachers train elite athletes, and how improv performers learn to think on their feet.
More importantly, exploring the artist’s mindset can bring a dimension of creativity and ways of being that can transform a business leader’s influence and tangible results. Where applicable, I bring these insights into my leadership coaching and consulting work to provoke creativity and resourcefulness.
Some of my reflections on what art teaches us are shared on my artistic pursuits website - here.

What I learned from Mom
Me with Mom
I immigrated to Canada in my childhood, and experienced the vulnerability of being an outsider learning to adapt to an unfamiliar language and way of life. My parents divorced in my early teens. Living with my mother, I learned through her actions and words the importance of relationships, reputation, and personal integrity. Growing up without a consistent father role model, however, resulted in struggles as I navigated early adulthood. I made mistakes. Lots of them.
As I progressed, I began tapping into my resourcefulness more and more. I eventually built a successful corporate career despite always being initially under-qualified for the roles I pursued. I noticed that my successes had much to do with the simple lessons I learned from my mother earlier in life.
I am still learning, but the quality of my “mistakes” are much better these days. Since becoming a professional coach and leadership consultant, I am now fully embracing my genuine passion. While working with clients to achieve their goals has been tremendously meaningful, what I find truly inspiring is seeing them become more powerfully human.
I know how challenging it can be to not know what the right steps are - and what it takes to create a path in uncertain circumstances. If you're an overachiever who wants to make even greater impacts while being engaged and burnout-free - you and I should have a conversation.