Executive Advisory Coaching
Wealth Beyond Money
Whether you’re a senior executive, an entrepreneur, a community organizer, or simply a subject matter expert in your field - you are a leader. And even the best can benefit from an ongoing relationship with the right coach. We see this most in the world of sports, but the model applies to all domains of endeavour.
I partner with leaders of all levels to enhance their effectiveness and achieve their next-level goals. Whether the work is about making a greater impact, making more money, or building something that money can’t buy… my 1-on-1 executive advisory coaching is a form of collaboration that can produce even the most elusive results.
Beyond high-level coaching certifications, what truly sets my approach apart is how I blend coaching with carefully curated insights and methods that have compounded over time (a few highlights here).
The High Cost of Wasted Time
Time is our most valuable non-renewable resource. As we advance in life and in our careers, its value increases. Early in our journey, we often trade time to save money - experimenting, learning through trial and error, and taking the long route to success. But as we grow, the opportunity cost of time becomes too high to ignore. Established professionals recognize that investing in expert coaching and guidance helps them bypass inefficiencies, accelerate results, and maximize this most valuable asset.
While my first goal is to help you more fully access your wisdom and abilities, a close second is to provide you with direct paths, practical tools, and even counterintuitive ideas, where appropriate. In some cases, my contribution will be to amplify a personal development concept. In others, it will be to think creatively with you to make a difficult pursuit much easier to action. One of my specialities is integrating insights from a variety of sources - so if you want to quickly get to what actually works, I’m here to support.
A Strong Inner Circle
Decades of social psychology research have shown that we are unavoidably molded by the influence of those around us. The quality of your inner circle plays a crucial role in your success. Partnering with the right coach gives you access to a confidential, professional space where you can work through ambitions, solve problems, celebrate wins, and enhance holistic fitness. The ideal trusted advisor coach is also an intelligent thinking partner who can supportively challenge your points of view, offer diverse perspectives, and point out considerations that may be hard to notice.
Events in recent years have highlighted the need to be highly adaptable in a VUCA world. The rules of the game have changed… and they continue to change. In my 1-on-1 coaching, I help leaders more fully show up with mastery of self and craft, so they can take on ambitions and challenges effectively - regardless of the circumstances.
Each coaching relationship is custom. We design together where we need to go and how to get there. If you’re looking for bold improvements in your effectiveness and results, let’s connect to discuss.