Fearless Networking
The quality of your life is inextricably linked with the quality of your relationships. Being effective at meeting people and building strong connections are therefore essential skills. Developing friendships, career contacts, and a community we can serve lead to both professional success and a meaningful life.
Being great at this is not easy, though. Books and training on networking usually focus almost entirely on technical skills such as planning, strategizing, and communication techniques. But that’s just part of the equation. Without astute emotional intelligence and refined interpersonal skills, desired results can be elusive.
My take on networking is a combination of a wide range of personal development training and best practices validated through many years of in-field experience in all sorts of settings.
My coaching work addresses self-mastery, core attributes, authentic confidence, and technical skills. You can learn to be highly effective at connecting with people - even in the most intimidating environments, even if you’re an introvert, and even if you consider yourself a shy person.
Areas of Development:
Access to the natural, calm confidence that is available to all of us
Presence and listening skills that build rapport and trust, no matter the setting
Interpersonal and relationship skills that build genuine and meaningful connections
Personal, professional, and community networks built on service to others
The ability to cultivate a strong inner circle of deeply trusted relationships
Personal Mastery:
Awareness of personal narratives
Letting go of fears (of rejection, of failure, of being seen)
Managing mental energy
Freedom from attachment to outcomes
Getting out of your head
Calming the fight-flight-or-freeze survival impulse (both online and offline tools)
Technical Skills:
Best practices for approaching
Powerful first and ongoing impressions
Charisma (yes, it can be developed)
Leading intriguing conversations
Expert listening skills (beyond active listening)
Engaging celebrities and VIPs
How to navigate any room
Increasing follow up response rates
Long-term relationship building
Authentic Confidence:
Increasing your self-confidence doesn’t mean pumping yourself up. It’s about removing the dusty layers of self-doubt and fear that have accumulated during your lifetime. I wrote an article about revealing this type of Authentic Confidence at my artistic pursuits website. While that article was written from the perspective of interacting with strangers for street photography, the ideas also apply to networking and every other type of human interaction that can benefit from confidence and presence.
The link to that article is via the Talking with Strangers page -> here
Being a fearless networker isn’t just for business networking. The skills we develop on the journey are completely transferrable to all types of interpersonal effectiveness - whether that be personal relationships, collaborating with work colleagues, or a Board presentation.
In the age of AI, our people skills have become even more important. I invite you to make heightened interpersonal effectiveness a key personal and leadership development priority.
I do keynote talks and custom programs on the skill of fearless networking, such as the one described in this event for the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade:
I’ve worked with people at all levels, from the painfully shy to the seasoned professional building a next-level skill set for specific challenges. No matter where you are in that range, know that you can learn to be as confident and skillful as you’d like. It’s just a matter of deliberate training.
“I never thought that I'd ever truly feel genuine confidence until I met Alvin. I'm so grateful for the work he's put into guiding me. He let me recognize the most vulnerable parts of myself, the loudest emotions, and the feelings that distract me from being fully confident … Now, my newly found confidence reflects in the work I do and in my interpersonal relationships. His mentorship was like a fast forward button for personal development that I'll never regret pushing.”
- Teresa Le