
The subject of revealing and amplifying our natural creative resourcefulness is an extension of applied mindfulness. These two areas of exploration are closely related because expressing one feeds the growth of the other.

Key principles:

1. Cultivate your intellect:

Learn how to think effectively. Deepen your domain expertise. Learn wisdom from outside your field. Gain knowledge for the joy of it. This grows your inventory of helpful mental models for decision making, and improves your overall resourcefulness. Like compound interest in your financial investments, feeding your intellect across multiple domains has compounding effects on your wisdom. More details on this topic -> here

2. Explore creativity:

Despite what you may have heard about creativity being something you can only be born with - modern neuroscience has proven that resourcefulness can actually be cultivated (Scientific American article -> here). We can all adopt the artist’s mindset for seeing things differently, making novel connections, and innovating new ideas.

My coaching around resourcefulness integrates coaching models with creative professionals’ methods for driving imagination. We work together to explore tools such as:

  • Perspective Shifting

  • Reversing the Polarity

  • The Edgar Allen Poe Technique

  • …and others

3. Strengthen intuition:

Modern neuroscience teaches us brain care principles and methods for nurturing the brain-body connection that promote heightened cognitive ability and general wellbeing. Harnessing this integrated awareness brings forth access to traits such as creativity, confidence, healthy risk appetite, and determination. (details -> here)

4. Study and practice various arts:

The skills of creativity and mental agility that can be learned through arts outside of your professional field can be tremendously valuable. Being exposed to masters in artistic domains and finding ways to adopt the best lessons is a great way to build creativity muscles overall.

The insights gained from artistic pursuits can enhance professional and personal performance.

Click images below for further explanation.

The Art of Seeing, The Power of Patience

Performance Arts for Mental Agility

My artistic pursuits website, including additional reflections on what art teaches us -> here